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Things you should know about stage four melanoma

Things you should know about stage four melanoma

Stage four melanoma refers to the advanced stage of skin cancer. In this condition, the disease spreads from the skin and affects other organs like the lungs. Diagnosis for skin melanoma The diagnosis for this kind of skin cancer includes the following tests: 1. Blood tests to determine the blood count and functioning of the liver 2.
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Things to know about leukemia and its symptoms

Things to know about leukemia and its symptoms

Cancer is a potentially fatal disease that affects various organs and parts of the body. One of the most dangerous kinds of cancers is known as Leukemia or blood cancer, which can start even during one’s childhood. Read on to know more about leukemia symptoms as well as other information about Leukemia.
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Tips for relief from pollen allergies

Tips for relief from pollen allergies

Have a runny nose, an itchy eye, and the irritating sensation of not being able to sneeze? The pollen count will be on the rise as the weather warms up every day. The warmth and humid weather after a bout of colder months bring you comfort as well as the dreadful.
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Things you should know about irritable bowel syndrome

Things you should know about irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome affects the large intestine (colon). It is a common disorder which causes constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, abdominal pain and cramping amongst other symptoms. It is very difficult to lead a routine life if you are battling IBS symptoms regularly, so here are a few essential things you must know about IBS.
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Things to keep in mind while shopping for refrigerators

Things to keep in mind while shopping for refrigerators

LG is one of the most favored brands when it comes to refrigerators. Packed with the most advanced features and supported by the best technology, you will find LG refrigerators enjoying a high customer rating on almost all parameters. LG refrigerators offer such a wide range of features that selecting the right one can become an overwhelming task.
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Things to know about Garcinia Cambogia

Things to know about Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is also known as Garcinia gummi-gutta. It comes from Indonesia and is from Clusiaceae family. This fruit resembles a small pumpkin and is green when raw and yellow when ripe. This fruit got its popularity for having a considerable amount of involvement in weight loss. But many studies have proved that it does not help in weight loss.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country